Your Active Wealth

Spend Like a Successful Institution

Episode Summary

When you have a substantial amount of wealth, it makes sense to think about your balance sheet like an institution. This means reviewing your expenditures periodically to account for personal spending habits, as well as external factors like market performance and inflation. According to Terry Sylvester Charron, head of investment advisory and planning solutions at BNY Wealth, it’s the small items like travel, entertainment and gifts to charitable entities that tend to add up. It’s important to be aware of what you typically spend during a calendar year to ensure the longevity of your wealth. Listen to this episode of Your Active Wealth to find out how an efficient spending plan draws from realistic needs, conservative market expectations and long-term goals.

Episode Notes

When you have a substantial amount of wealth, it makes sense to think about your balance sheet like an institution. This means reviewing your expenditures periodically to account for personal spending habits, as well as external factors like market performance and inflation. According to Terry Sylvester Charron, head of investment advisory and planning solutions at BNY Wealth, it’s the small items like travel, entertainment and gifts to charitable entities that tend to add up. It’s important to be aware of what you typically spend during a calendar year to ensure the longevity of your wealth. Listen to this episode of Your Active Wealth to find out how an efficient spending plan draws from realistic needs, conservative market expectations and long-term goals.

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